Monday, 18 April 2011

Maths SATS - All You Need To Know!

This presentations tells you all that stuff you wish you could remember about Maths!

Missing Activities?

Remember to look down the right side - BLOG ARCHIVE - and click on the links there to see activities that were posted a while ago - they're still there!

Pie Charts

Practice esimating the size of the "slices" on pie charts.

You WILL have to be able to do this for the test!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Converting Fractions

Practice converting fractions to equivalents, simplest form, or to/from a mixed number. This is something you may need to help you answer fractions questions in the test.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

All about sentences

If there's something you don't understand about writing sentences, these screens may help...

FIXED broken link 09/04/12

Using Conjunctions...Use zoom to view this activity a larger size!
